the Creative's Way to Mindful Self-Mastery

Self-Mastery Membership Logo

You can start for free, no sign up required. Begin with the Open Studio Sessions & Journey with us every month.

When you want to feel more satisfied in life, do that creative thing & live more mindfully; you'll start to crave the peace of blossoming into a new you. You'll grow into the person that lives in an elevated state of wellness while having more time to do the fun things in life!

  • You'll love our monthly themed topics with printables to help you blossom & grow
  • These printables are your sketchbook journal pages if you don't have a sketchbook practice yet
  • Find yourself inspired with the15 Minutes of Mindset Magic sessions
  • Enjoy weekly lessons, mostly with a video or an interaction
  • Join us for a Monthly Virtual Gratitude Retreat via Zoom
  • And do some Mindful Colouring Practices between the busy moments of life

There is so much available here for you. Have you scrolled down to view the sections you could have access to? Go HERE to view more NOW)

All you need to do is scroll down to the Open Studio Sessions that feels like the journey you want to take with me🌸

You'll discover inner peace, mindful living & emotional wellness once you are in rhythm with what your heart wants more of!

26 Sections + Community

the Sketchbook Master's Private Membership Community

The Sketchbook Master's Community

Monthly theme logo

Journey with us this Month (Open Studio Session)

With the previous month's knowledge, printable pages, mindfulness & your sketchbook or journaling practices you can embrace creativity. By taking moments of time to make a few moves towards what you really want for yourself. Or you could pivot into a fresh start in mindful alignment with your big dreams.

Plus, in a membership where you strive for self-mastery, there will always be a space for transformation, life growth with new ways of seeing your daily upheavals... as long as you show up for yourself every day, you will make progress!

Powerful Floral Remedies Colouring Sessions Logo

Powerful Florals - Mindful Colouring Sessions (Open Studio Session)

Relax your mind in a series of colour sessions in our colouring book!

The Powerful Floral Remedies for Modern Lifestyles shares some extraordinary benefits of a little positive habit like mindful colouring to ease away stress, one page at a time...

The Florals We Covered in this Section: Apple Blossom,The Rose, Hyacinth, Daffodils, Asemic Writing, Angels Trumpet, California Poppy, Black Eyed Susan, Hibiscus, Calla Lilly, Plumeria, Fireweed, Lavender, Time Lapse of the Past Few Days,

Try Out Watercolour Pencils, Watercolours, Texters & More

Get Your 12-Page Sample >>> HERE

Free Contents Section Logo

Sketchbook Retreat a Home (Open Studio Session)

Join us for our free program in the "Open Studio Sessions" to give yourself a peaceful way to relax at home with your sketchbook, a few watercolours & time away from stress.

  • Fold a Mini Sketchbook Journal
  • Create a Little Comfort for Yourself
  • Gather Your Supplies & Draw Shadows with Watercolours

Start with your homecoming journey

Your Homecoming Journey

When you ground yourself in love, you naturally attract an abundance of it. This abundance allows you to do the things you love, showering positivity over those who align with you.

It’s about being in tune with the intelligent life-force-energy that sustains the abundance all around us. By tapping into this energy, you can feel more love, share more love, and look forward to a harmonious life "With Love." Let this be a gentle reminder to cherish love as you navigate your choices.

2024 Logo

2024 - A Year of Healing & Connections

  • Jan -Transformations Begins
  • Feb - Intentions in Motion
  • Mar - Control Your Mind
  • Apr - Heling the Inner Child
  • May - Rewrite Your Story
  • Jun - Values & Gratitude
  • Jul - Journeys to Mastery
  • Bonus - Burn Ceremony
  • Aug- Connection in Colour
  • Sept - Healing & the Flow State
  • Bonus - Mapping the Body
  • Bonus - Finding Emotional Pain Points
  • Oct - A Month of Mindful Colouring
  • Nov - Aromatherapy & Essential Oils
  • Dec - Creative Holiday Crafts

Life is Yours Logo

Life is Yours for the Taking

Step into Personal Fulfilment

Here you'll explore the realms positive habits, personal development & the practices that elevates your self-esteem, boost your confidence, ignites the inner-spark to fulfil your purpose.

Build the lifestyle you want & find your IKIGAI!

Did you know Louise Hay only started doing what she loved doing late after retirement? It really is never too early or too late to follow your dreams & live a new life.

Fall in Love with Life

With all the beauty around us it is difficult not to fall in love with life... 

But if you find yourself less in love with your life, there are answers for you here. We'll support you in the mindful ways to help you spot the moments that come along. Taking in the beauty as you travel through time & into your higher self to see life as the fruitful, abundant & prosperous gift we get to share with each other every day.

Wake up to what is yours to adore!

Creativity & Bliss

Creativity & Bliss revolves around the Self-Care & personal attention you give your attention to.

It's a lovely blend of creative playful things you can with yourself as you nurture your needs & approach your day in a mindful way. Filled with mindful practices geared to help you appreciate what life bring forth in your life. 

Staying grounded with love while nourishing yourself with positive guidance along your journey.

Colouring Pages Logo

Bonus Colouring Pages To Download

Welcome to the colouring pages section where we'll share new colouring pages based on monthly themes or at times just a little bonus page for you to prioritize self-care.

To equip yourself to reach meaningful accomplishments means we sometimes need to take a break to reach a deadline & reset with a relaxed mind to accomplish so much more! To stop the imbalance in the mind to take a simple tea break with a colouring page. Escape with some of these:

  • "I Am Amazing Quoted" Colouring Pages
  • "Sacred Mandalas" Colouring Booklet
  • "Geometric Visions" Colouring Pages

Mindful Practices Course Logo

Mastering Mindfulness & Creative Practices to Reach the Flow State

We Start Each Day with Great Values & Make them Count! The Eight Values Are:

  1. Gratitude
  2. Compassion
  3. Personal Truth (Authenticity)
  4. Growth Towards Goals
  5. Connection
  6. Mindfulness
  7. Purpose (Self, Career & Others) 
  8. Resilience

Brush Stroke Skills

Brush Strokes in Watercolour Masterclass

In the Brush Stroke Skills lessons you'll learn about all the different bushes, what they are used for & how to best create practices with each one to obtain a specific result.

Playing as you learn while nurturing your creative practices. With these you'll also connect your hand, arm & brush movements to build muscle memory that helps to ease you into an enjoyment of your watercolour skills while becoming more mindful in the process.

Watercolour Roses Stationary Set Masterclass

Easy to follow layouts with a little planning guidance

Video direction with clear visuals of how to practice certain techniques 

Create three noteworthy stationary items:

  • a Watercolour with Heading & Footer Design for a Letters set
  • a Watercolour Card two ways
  • an A4 Quoted Watercolour Poster  
  • Bonus video > Printing Your Letter Set at Home 

Watercolour & Reiki Flow Logo

Watercolour & Reiki Flow

Reiki & watercolours lend themselves so well in the flow of life & while you are discovering how to take care of yourself.

May the video lessons empower you to create a connection to the life-force energy that is available to you if you need it. Each lesson designed to gently guide you towards what you need n life at that specific moment. 

Perfect Project Planning Masterclass

To be structured & have a meticulous project guideline will help you get stuff done.

With my three phase Perfects Project Planning Workshop, you are guided through the thinking processes to build out anything you're planning to create, make, do, or take on.

When we begin a project in total ease, all the steps come together from the first drafts into the the outcome you desired. Giving Creative expression to your project & listening to your inner voice to play with those initial ideas that build up into the valuable practical outcomes you were hoping to achieve.

Overcoming the Dream Crushing Weeds Masterclass

I can't wait to hear what you've uncovered about yourself during this month & in the workbook.

Take a look at what you want won't happen by itself, you literally need to get yourself going. Get those weeds out of the Garden of Your Mind. Once it is cleared of weeds, it's time to nurture yourself back to the beauty life you are dreaming of.

Learn to be good to yourself, release those "Dream Crushing Weeds" & Nurture the areas that matter the most.

Sketchbook Lovers: Learning from the Masters (Busy Updating!)

2023 Monthly Themes & Topics

2022 Monthly Themes & Topics (Busy Updating)

Bring your Sketchbooks, Journals, Notebooks, Diaries or even inside the colouring books. You can find a little escape just about anywhere you can draw, paint, write down notes or have a space to explore your creative practices. Experience a connection to your inner thoughts while you let go of baggage.

  • We start simple with the basics 
  • Settle in to a blissful rhythmic breathing
  • Turn to the relaxation of your head, hands & heart
  • Tune in to the underlying messages
  • And just enjoy a little "Me-time
  • It is your permission slip to break away from your busy schedule, give yourself time to kick back & just wash away those burdens.

In a few minutes you'll give back to yourself in the form of creative practices while gaining a deeper understanding of your abilities to cope, to live life on your terms & to become the Co-Creator in Your Life!

Floraltober 2021

During this year's Floraltober we are going to fold our own little Sketchbook & Follow a prompts list all about pretty little flowers to fill the booklet from cover to cover.

2021 Monthly Archives Updated!

We've been moving various lessons & contents into the the MemberVault Platform to accommodate  the newest version of our much loved lessons. These were redistributed into more suitable areas under the various sections after we updated them.

This was done to better align with our new Vision & Mission for the Self-Mastery Membership & to improve your enjoyment on the new platform. We believe it to be the easiest membership platform available today that not only provide you with better access to lessons, videos, pdf's, audio files & more but also came in as a blessing to what we are sharing with you.

Thank you for being here & sharing in your Self-Mastery Journey throughout your timeline. You are so special to me & what I've been able to provide to you since 2021. 

Much Love

xo Tanya

Sections for this product 26
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 Self-Mastery - One Month at a Time
 $ 22.00 AUD  ( then $22.00 AUD a month )
 Self-Mastery - Get a Year of Growth
 $ 264.00 AUD  ( then $264.00 AUD a year )

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