Read this month's Newsletter
Find all the freebies & goodies on offer in our March Newsletter
Studio Dreams is a close up look into my studio life with news about ways you can Blossom & Grow this year, and beyond
Enjoy little sketchbook practices that lead to stress relief & some to creative career success. Uncover breakthrough ideas & discover how to deal with the weeds in your mind
Alongside self-care & creative play we'll take a look at how nurturing a garden patch from scratch & enjoying the flowers we pick through mindful sketchbook practices while making time for creative play.
And, if you need to eat that proverbial frog, I'll be right there to help you swallow all the difficult stuff so you can focus on the fun!
Newsletter #1 Coming this Friday
Newsletter #2 Coming Soon
Tune into Studio Dreams as we journey with you in sketchbook practices, creativity, mindfulness & all things studio life!
To get started, log in as a site member to access the download library HERE >>>
With the previous month's knowledge, printable pages, mindfulness & your sketchbook or journaling practices you can embrace creativity. By taking moments of time to make a few moves towards what you really want for yourself. Or you could pivot into a fresh start in mindful alignment with your big dreams.
Plus, in a membership where you strive for self-mastery, there will always be a space for transformation, life growth with new ways of seeing your daily upheavals... as long as you show up for yourself every day, you will make progress!
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