Welcoming You to Our Family of Mindful Creatives

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Dear Creative Hearts,

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For the poetic soulful emotional side of you there is a romanticised, compassionate realm of dreams where you can connect to yourself & become whole again. It's about understanding your deeper needs, getting to know yourself, tapping into your imagination & to increase your levels of joy!

Why? It's a mindful way for you to keep your big dreams alive, but also to remain grounded, balanced & finding your ideal self amongst the chaos of life. In colourful pages you get to make sense of what goes on in your life. Literally connecting your Head, Hands & Heart to create your ideal life.

Sparking your wild imagination to do what you most desire while pursuing your own happiness. Mindful practices can start with a simple act of self-care & 15 minutes of solitude.

Balancing your right-brain creativity to ease the stress of an overworked left-brain, you find peace. 

In this mindful moment, there's less rushing around, more time for pleasure goals & that turns us into happier humans... Start your transformation journey with the 30-Day Self-Mastery & Transformation Companion guide below in the Downloads. Then return to this section & enjoy the rest of the Open Studio Sessions for creative mindful practices. 

Much Love

xo Tanya

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Journey with us this Month (Open Studio Session)

With the previous month's knowledge, printable pages, mindfulness & your sketchbook or journaling practices you can embrace creativity. By taking moments of time to make a few moves towards what you really want for yourself. Or you could pivot into a fresh start in mindful alignment with your big dreams.

Plus, in a membership where you strive for self-mastery, there will always be a space for transformation, life growth with new ways of seeing your daily upheavals... as long as you show up for yourself every day, you will make progress!

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