What's Happening in the Studio

Not to worry about having anything specific on your table or bringing anything fancy. What you regularly work with will be great & if you wanted to try a new medium or play with something else while we are live, enjoy it, it is your time!

What you really need to play along:

  1. Your favourite art supplies
  2. A little time to join us
  3. All your comfort items

What I regularly have on my table:

My table is always a little messy as that is the way I like it & I always know where my projects are heading as a lot of them happen all at once. If you have a studio & work from home you'll know what I mean 😊 My friend Tessie calls the half done, almost there projects "the messy-middle"

Okay, here we go. What I play with from time to time & that is generally on or near my table:

  • a soft cloth to warm up the area under my things
  • a candle to give an ambient light
  • a diffuser nobody ever gets to see as it is off camera
  • a small watercolour palette with 6 Daniel Smith tube colours
  • a stack of tissues or blotting towels
  • a water container or two to rinse the paint brushes
  • a few pointed round synthetic paint brushes
  • a water brush just for the ease & fun of it
  • a pencil or a pen to jot down some notes or draw
  • sometimes an extra watercolour palette... you never know
  • sometimes a pencil case/bag with all sorts of arty goodies
  • sometimes my watercolour pencils or regular colour pencils
  • sometimes there's a guest in the studio & we play with their supplies
  • many times someone brings me a warm cup of tea to drink with an occasional snack
  • many times we play gentle, calming music in the background
  • many times there's a blanket on my lap because it is cold here on most days
  • many times my mobile phone is close by with notifications turned off

Other fun things:

  • my drinking bottle for hydration
  • the block-timer for productivity
  • the frog to remind to do the difficult things first
  • a small bottle of rose, bergamot & rosemary essential oils I blended for myself
  • and the hardware like the PC screen, speakers, snowball mic, my diary & lipstick

In the bookcases behind me you'll find:

  • colouring books that I collect but never add colour to
  • watercolour journals & paper Conrad bring for me when he travels for work
  • my sketchbook journals & published books
  • files for sketchbook ideas, Reiki healing, short course I completed & admin
  • hidden away are my fabric & wallpaper samples, sewing machine & sewing projects are hidden below

Lesson Activity

Watch the Studio reveal video clip here after the previous clean-up & wallpaper renovation... A little bit of messiness is perfectly normal & a whole lot of mess shows you have things going on!


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