If Life Gives You Lemons, Make Guacamole!
Life gets hard sometimes, but it is important to keep your 'cool' when life gets tough. It isn't always moonshine & Roses either byt a positive attitude goes a long way in sorting through the shizz we face.
So, when you get lemon juice in your face, the best thing to do is make guacamole...
Having a positive attitude will go a long way in resolving most issues. If you can become a little more conscious & look inside you to straighten your head, you'll see there is a way to go back to the problem & work it out. Having a positive attitude even though other's are sometimes in not in the mood to talk things through will be an amazing tool for you, even if they end up not keeping contact. At least you made a bowl of guacamole & was willing to share it with them in search of a solution. Okay, its up to you now to clear your mind, shift yourself into a space of positivity & go for gold!
Listen to this week's 15 Minute Mindset Magic video to help you solve the problems in your life.
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Come back to it if you are having one of those days where thing don't seem to feel right. Select one, watch it & I promise, your day will turn around to help you feel so much better afterwards.
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