Weeding the Right Things for Progress
How do we "Weed the Right Things?"
You might be aware of the old ripping off the band-aid method but that sometimes leaves a scar too deep to heal properly. I very much prefer a more systematic removal of the things that no longer work.
In life we are each faced with our own things so in this video I'll use the analogy of pruning a bush to give you three steps to removing the right things for progress. Instead of focusing on the problem let's get your mindset shift going can by identifying the problem areas, the clutter, the heaps of unrealistic things, or the mountains of overwhelm... All in good time & with a little help you'll be able to remove the right things for progress!
Follow along & think about weeding some of the shizz from your life so you'll be able to make real progress.
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Come back to it if you are having one of those days where thing don't seem to feel right. Select one, watch it & I promise, your day will turn around to help you feel so much better afterwards.
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